-- part name: Play Harpsichord a,Paid in Full,* OVERDUE *,Running Account,ASK
----- HyperTalk script -----
on copyright
-- Super Click Field, Copyright by Mac Help Co., January 1988
-- by Chris Hostetter, Mac Help Co., 1800 East Market Street
-- Long Beach, CA 90805, (213) 428-7414
-- The script for this field is copyrighted and may not be
-- used without the written permission of the author (above).
end copyright
on mouseUp
set cursor to 4
put the name of the target into ThisName
put word 1 of ThisName into FieldLocation
put the ID of the target into ThisID
get the rect of the target
if it is "10,10,490,310" then
set cursor to 4
if fieldLocation is "Card" then
get line 15 of card field ID ThisID
set the rect of card field ID ThisID to it
get line 16 of card field ID ThisID
set the style of card field ID ThisID to it
put line 1 of card field ID ThisID into card field ID ThisID
get line 15 of background field ID ThisID
set the rect of background field ID ThisID to it
get line 16 of background field ID ThisID
set the style of background field ID ThisID to it
put line 1 of background field ID ThisID into background field ID ThisID
end if
if the shiftKey is up then exit mouseUp
end if
put the number of items of ThisName into TotItems
delete first word of ThisName
delete first word of ThisName
delete first char of ThisName
delete last char of ThisName
put item 1 of ThisName into BeepFlag
if the shiftKey is down then
answer "There are" && TotItems-1 && "items for this click field." with "Cancel" or "Modify"
if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp
if it is "Modify" then
put item 1 of ThisName into RememberSound
delete item 1 of ThisName
ask "Separate each item by a comma (,)" with ThisName
if it is not empty then
put it into ThisName
exit mouseUp
end if
if first word of RememberSound is "D" then
answer "Do you want this field to make a sound?" with "No Sound" or "Sound"
answer "Do you want this field to make a sound?" with "No Change" or "No Sound" or "Sound"
end if
if it is "No Change" then
put RememberSound & "," before ThisName
end if
if it is "Sound" then
answer "What kind of sound" with "Beep" or "Boing" or "Harpsichord"
put it into Soundtype
if it is not "Beep" then
ask "What notes" with "a"
if it is empty then put "a" into it
put "Play" && SoundType && it & "," before item 1 of ThisName
end if
end if
if it is "No Sound" then
put "Play Silence," before item 1 of ThisName
end if
end if
put FieldLocation && "Field ID" && ThisID into ThisField
set the name of ThisField to ThisName
exit mouseUp
end if
-- End of the entry and modification routine
-- ***************** Help Info
if (first word of ThisName is "D") or (the optionKey is down) then
set cursor to 4
put "This is a 'Click Text' field. You can pre-set" && "this field to contain common words or phrases." && "Once set, simply click on the field to toggle" && "between each item entered. To set your items" && "HOLD THE SHIFT KEY WHILE CLICKING ON THE FIELD" && "to enter your phrases. Make sure that you" && "SEPARATE EACH PHRASE ITEM BY A COMMA. You can make the last" && "item the word ASK, if you want it to ask you to enter" && "unique information for that record." into Description
put the rect of the target into ThisRect
set the rect of the target to "10,10,490,310"
if fieldLocation is "Card" then
put Description into Line 5 of card field ID ThisID
put ThisRect into Line 15 of card field ID ThisID
get the style of card field ID ThisID
put it into line 16 of card field ID ThisID
set the style of card field ID ThisID to "Shadow"
put Description into Line 5 of background field ID ThisID
put ThisRect into Line 15 of background field ID ThisID
get the style of background field ID ThisID
put it into line 16 of background field ID ThisID
set the style of background field ID ThisID to "Shadow"
end if
exit mouseUp
end if
-- ********************* End Help Info
put FieldLocation && "Field ID" && ThisID into ThisField
do "put" && ThisField && "into ThisText"
if ThisText is empty then
get item 2 of ThisName
if FieldLocation is "Card" then
put it into card field ID ThisID
put it into background field ID ThisID
end if
repeat with i = 2 to TotItems
put item i of ThisName into CheckText
if ThisText is CheckText then
get item i+1 of ThisName
if it is "Ask" then
ask "Please Enter Unique Information?"
if it is empty then put "ASK" into it
end if
if FieldLocation is "Card" then
put it into card field ID ThisID
put it into background field ID ThisID
end if
exit repeat
end if
if i = TotItems then
if FieldLocation is "Card" then
put empty into card field ID ThisID
put empty into background field ID ThisID
end if
end if
end repeat
end if
do BeepFlag
end mouseUp
-- part 3 (field)
-- low flags: 01
-- high flags: 0004
-- rect: left=289 top=95 right=115 bottom=460
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name:
----- HyperTalk script -----
on copyright
-- Super Click Field, Copyright by Mac Help Co., January 1988
-- by Chris Hostetter, Mac Help Co., 1800 East Market Street
-- Long Beach, CA 90805, (213) 428-7414
-- The script for this field is copyrighted and may not be
-- used without the written permission of the author (above).
end copyright
on mouseUp
set cursor to 4
put the name of the target into ThisName
put word 1 of ThisName into FieldLocation
put the ID of the target into ThisID
get the rect of the target
if it is "10,10,490,310" then
set cursor to 4
if fieldLocation is "Card" then
get line 15 of card field ID ThisID
set the rect of card field ID ThisID to it
get line 16 of card field ID ThisID
set the style of card field ID ThisID to it
put line 1 of card field ID ThisID into card field ID ThisID
get line 15 of background field ID ThisID
set the rect of background field ID ThisID to it
get line 16 of background field ID ThisID
set the style of background field ID ThisID to it
put line 1 of background field ID ThisID into background field ID ThisID
end if
if the shiftKey is up then exit mouseUp
end if
put the number of items of ThisName into TotItems
delete first word of ThisName
delete first word of ThisName
delete first char of ThisName
delete last char of ThisName
put item 1 of ThisName into BeepFlag
if the shiftKey is down then
answer "There are" && TotItems-1 && "items for this click field." with "Cancel" or "Modify"
if it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp
if it is "Modify" then
put item 1 of ThisName into RememberSound
delete item 1 of ThisName
ask "Separate each item by a comma (,)" with ThisName
if it is not empty then
put it into ThisName
exit mouseUp
end if
if first word of RememberSound is "D" then
answer "Do you want this field to make a sound?" with "No Sound" or "Sound"
answer "Do you want this field to make a sound?" with "No Change" or "No Sound" or "Sound"
end if
if it is "No Change" then
put RememberSound & "," before ThisName
end if
if it is "Sound" then
answer "What kind of sound" with "Beep" or "Boing" or "Harpsichord"
put it into Soundtype
if it is not "Beep" then
ask "What notes" with "a"
if it is empty then put "a" into it
put "Play" && SoundType && it & "," before item 1 of ThisName
end if
end if
if it is "No Sound" then
put "Play Silence," before item 1 of ThisName
end if
end if
put FieldLocation && "Field ID" && ThisID into ThisField
set the name of ThisField to ThisName
exit mouseUp
end if
-- End of the entry and modification routine
-- ***************** Help Info
if (first word of ThisName is "D") or (the optionKey is down) then
set cursor to 4
put "This is a 'Click Text' field. You can pre-set" && "this field to contain common words or phrases." && "Once set, simply click on the field to toggle" && "between each item entered. To set your items" && "HOLD THE SHIFT KEY WHILE CLICKING ON THE FIELD" && "to enter your phrases. Make sure that you" && "SEPARATE EACH PHRASE ITEM BY A COMMA. You can make the last" && "item the word ASK, if you want it to ask you to enter" && "unique information for that record." into Description
put the rect of the target into ThisRect
set the rect of the target to "10,10,490,310"
if fieldLocation is "Card" then
put Description into Line 5 of card field ID ThisID
put ThisRect into Line 15 of card field ID ThisID
get the style of card field ID ThisID
put it into line 16 of card field ID ThisID
set the style of card field ID ThisID to "Shadow"
put Description into Line 5 of background field ID ThisID
put ThisRect into Line 15 of background field ID ThisID
get the style of background field ID ThisID
put it into line 16 of background field ID ThisID
set the style of background field ID ThisID to "Shadow"
end if
exit mouseUp
end if
-- ********************* End Help Info
put FieldLocation && "Field ID" && ThisID into ThisField
do "put" && ThisField && "into ThisText"
if ThisText is empty then
get item 2 of ThisName
if FieldLocation is "Card" then
put it into card field ID ThisID
put it into background field ID ThisID
end if
repeat with i = 2 to TotItems
put item i of ThisName into CheckText
if ThisText is CheckText then
get item i+1 of ThisName
if it is "Ask" then
ask "Please Enter Unique Information?"
if it is empty then put "ASK" into it
end if
if FieldLocation is "Card" then
put it into card field ID ThisID
put it into background field ID ThisID
end if
exit repeat
end if
if i = TotItems then
if FieldLocation is "Card" then
put empty into card field ID ThisID
put empty into background field ID ThisID
end if
end if
end repeat
end if
do BeepFlag
end mouseUp
-- part 4 (field)
-- low flags: 01
-- high flags: 0004
-- rect: left=429 top=48 right=63 bottom=489
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 3
-- text size: 9
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 12
-- part name: See Script
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
edit script of card field ID 1
end mouseUp
-- part contents for background part 8
----- text -----
Card 15 of 20
-- part contents for background part 9
----- text -----
These are handy click fields that you can use to automatically enter information when the field is clicked.
Because this is a field, when used on the background of a stack, every card can retain its own settings.
To set the field, you simply hold the shift key down while clicking on the field. (All the setting information is kept in the name of the field, and if the name of the field is nothing, the field will provide directions if it is clicked.)
If one of the items is the word 'ASK', it will ask you for unique information to enter.